Property Tax Reduction Qualification Form Do you qualify for a homeowner exemption? YES NO Was your total household income $37,000 or less last year? YES NO Do you likely have enough deductions to reduce your income to $37,000? YES NO Are you 65 or older as of January 1st of this year? YES NO Are you a Widow or Widower? YES NO Are you Blind? YES NO Are you a fatherless or motherless child under 18 years of age? YES NO Are you a former prisoner or hostage of war? YES NO Are you a Veteran with at least 10% service connected disability or receiving a VA pension for a nonservice connected disability? YES NO Are you disabled as recognized by the Social Security Administration, Railroad Retirement Board, or Federal Civil Service? YES NO To qualify for a PTR you must first qualify for a homeowner's exemption. To qualify for a PTR your household income for the previous year must be at or below $37,000. Things such as out of pocket medical expenses can be deducted from your income to get you beneath this threshold. You may qualify for the Property Tax Reduction! Be sure to get your application in by April 15th. Apply Here: Unfortunately, it does not appear that you will qualify for the Property Tax Reduction this year.CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.