The Canyon County Juvenile Probation Department is happy to report that the juvenile recidivism rate went down in its most recent Annual Juvenile Justice Report for Canyon County, as reported to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections for the period covering October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023. The recidivism rate for this period dropped to 28% from 34% from the prior annual report covering October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022.
Recidivism is defined as a juvenile who is adjudicated of a new misdemeanor or felony offense within a year of the initial adjudication. This recidivism rate represents the percentage of adolescents who commit a crime, get taken into custody, and then commit another crime after their release within a year.
Elda Catalano, Director for the Canyon County Juvenile Probation Department, is proud of the efforts of the county, “I am proud of the juvenile probation staff and the hard-working juvenile probation officers for their dedication to Canyon County youth. Each year, the department gathers statistical data of the youth we serve, and we measure the effectiveness of our approach and intervention programs by the recidivism rates. This year, the recidivism rate dropped to 28%. The national recidivism rate is above 35%, but it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The Canyon County Juvenile Probation Department is committed to best practices to serve youth, hold youth accountable, and protect the community from further delinquent acts.”
Some of the best practices implemented by the Canyon County Juvenile Probation Department include using a validated risk assessment to classify youth and provide evidence-based programs to meet the youth’s needs and risk. In addition, the department has a great partnership with the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, College of Western Idaho, and many more providers in our community that contribute to the overall success of reducing recidivism.
For more information, please contact the Director of Constituent Services, Rick Hogaboam at (208) 614-5011 or