Rick Hogaboam
CLERKMISSION | Serving all of Canyon County in an efficient, accurate and friendly manner.
Constitutional and statutory laws give this one elective county office (Clerk) five distinct titles:
- Clerk of the District Court
- Auditor
- Recorder
- Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
- Chief Elections Officer of the County.
The Idaho Constitution established the position of Clerk of the District Court (Article 5, Section16). A separate section of the state constitution provides that the Clerk of the District Court shall be ex officio Auditor and Recorder (Article 18, Section 6). State law provides that the Clerk of the District Court be ex-officio Auditor, Recorder and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners (31-2001 and 34-112). In addition, the election laws specify the duties of the County Clerk as Clerk of the District Court in the electoral process (32-112). The County Clerk also oversees Indigent Services.
Court Operations
The clerk of the district court performs duties prescribed in the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure (a volume of the Idaho Code) and in the rules and practices of the court (1-1001). The clerk or a deputy must attend in person every term of the district court in the county (1-1002). In many counties in Idaho, the clerk of the district court designates deputies to handle the duties and responsibilities of the district court, to include making entries, collects fees, and acting as the clerical arm of the court.
The Auditor acts as the County Budget and Accounting Officer. Responsibilities include compiling the budget requests and submitting the budget to the Board of County Commissioners, recording appropriations made to county agencies, the outstanding liabilities against these appropriations and the expenditures made against the appropriations; keeping accounting records on the revenues, expenditures and balances in each county fund. The Auditor also prepares and remits warrant/checks to employees, vendors, and other persons entitled to payment. All moneys received by various county offices are recorded in financial records.
The Clerk is the Chief Elections Officer for the county. The staff registers voters, maintains a database of registered voters, and conducts county, state and national elections.
The Passports Office is an executing agent for passports. We are not a passport issuing agency, only an acceptance agency. Click to find out what you’ll need to bring to apply for a passport and the costs and fees associated.
Board of Community Guardians
The Board of Community Guardians provides legal guardianship and assistance to adult citizens who are no longer able to care for themselves or their basic needs such as shelter, food, health care and safety.
The recorder is responsible for recording, filing, and indexing a large number of documents. The recorder procures these documents as the business of his/her office requires. The recorder has custody of, and must keep all books, records, maps, and papers deposited in his/her office (31-2401). These documents are essential for many types of legal transactions and are frequently referred to by attorneys, title companies, real estate brokers, and other in the county. The Recorder collects fees for recording and providing copies of legal documents.
Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners
The county auditor is designated by law as the ex officio clerk of the board of county commissioners (31-707). As clerk of the commissioners, the duties of this position include the following (31-708).
- Recording all proceeding of the board;
- Recording the vote of each member on any question;
- Signing all orders made and warrants issued by the board of county commissioners for the payment of money;
- Preserving and filing all accounts acted upon by the board;
- Preserving and filing all petitions and recording the action of the board on these petitions and application;
- Recording all orders levying taxes;
- Clerks (or their deputies) prepare the agenda for meetings of the county commissioners and attend the meeting to provide information and advice. After the meeting, they prepare the formal record of the proceedings. They may also write letters and make telephone contacts in accordance with the instructions of the board.
- Performing all other duties required by law or by any rule or order of the board.
Indigent Services
The Indigent Services office carries out the mandates of Idaho Code Title 31, Chapters 34 & 35. Financial assistance is available for cremation assistance.

111 N. 11th Ave Caldwell, ID 83605
Auditor – Suite 320
Courts – Learn More…
Elections – Learn More…
Indigent – Suite 340
Passports – Suite 330
Recorder – Suite 330
Phone / Fax
P 208-454-7337
F 208-454-6689
Weekdays 8am – 5pm
(excluding holidays)
Court Clerk (Rm 201) Hours
Weekdays 8am-4:30pm