24_02.29_006_press release_Clerk_CAUCUS PRIMARY CLARIFICATION

Information is courtesy of Canyon County Clerk, Rick Hogaboam:

There has been an increase in inquiries from Canyon County residents seeking information about the upcoming Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus on March 2 and the Primary Elections on May 21. In order to help educate and inform Canyon County residents, please note the following information:

The March 2 Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus is being administered by the Idaho Republican Party. It isn’t being administered by the election office. Information about the caucus and who qualifies to participate and what’s on the ballot can be found here: Home | Idaho Caucus (idahorepublicancaucus.com)

As for caucus locations in Canyon County, as administered by the Republican Party, the Idaho GOP has a resource here: Canyon County | Idaho Caucus (idahorepublicancaucus.com)

If you are unsure what precinct you reside in, you can use this tool: Search for My Voter Record (voteidaho.gov). This Voter Record tool will confirm if you are registered to vote, what affiliation, and also provide information on what precinct you reside in.

Please note that partisan legislative and countywide primary elections, along with other items, will be on the May 21 Primary Election. The Primary Election is administered by the county election office. To be clear, the Republican presidential candidates will not be on the May 21 Primary Election ballot. Additionally, the Idaho Democrat Party is planning on holding their Presidential Caucus on May 23 (2024 Presidential Nomination Caucus | Idaho Democratic Party (idahodems.org)). Please note that the Idaho Democrat Presidential caucus is being administered by the Idaho Democrat Party and subject to their rules and logistical arrangements.

Primary Election poll locations will differ in most cases from the caucus locations of both the Idaho GOP and Idaho Democrat presidential caucuses. Don’t assume that your normal poll location is the same location for the caucuses, nor assume that your caucus location will be the same poll location for the May 21 Primary Election. If you plan to participate in either the Republican or Democrat Caucus, it’s important you check the Idaho GOP or Idaho Democrat website to confirm logistics. As for poll locations for the May 21 Primary Election, we are finalizing logistics and will release information once it’s confirmed. We will also update the Canyon County voter lookup tool once locations are confirmed so that you can both find your primary poll location and a sample ballot for reference.