Misdemeanor Probation
COMMISSIONERSMission Statement
It is the mission of the Canyon County Misdemeanor Probation Department to reduce criminal behavior in misdemeanor offenders by providing opportunities for competency development while holding them accountable and protecting the community.
Misdemeanor Probation is located on the second floor, above Juvenile Justice Center.
Questions regarding forms? Click Here to send a question by email or call (208) 454-7260.
Misdemeanor Probation Public Records Request
Submit Report form by mail or in person
Monthly Report
By using the PDF file noted above, your monthly report may be submitted by mailing in your form if approved by your probation officer or you may fill it out prior to your office visit, print and submit at the time of your appointment.
Forma de Reporte Mensual (Spanish)
Utilizando el archivo en formato PDF notado arriba nuestro reporte mensual puede ser sometido por correo si esta aprobado por su oficial de libertad condicional o usted lo puede llenar antes de su cita de oficina, imprimir y someterlo el dia de su cita.
Accepted Methods of Payment (In Office)
- Cash
- Money Order made out to CCMP along with your case number
- Personal Checks made out to CCMP along with your case number ($20.00 returned service charge)
- Visa or Mastercard ($3.00 fee – per transaction)
If you are submitting your monthly report via mail or email, you may submit your monthly cost of supervision (money order only) to the address noted below; please include your case number:
Misdemeanor Probation
222 North 12th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
Pay Online:
Victim Services
Victims can locate offenders managed by the Idaho Department of Correction at any time through the IDOC website Offender Search function.
Even if you are not a registered victim of a crime, unwanted contact from an IDOC offender can be stopped. To block future calls from a particular offender, listen to the instructions on the recording you receive when an IDOC offender is calling and press #4 on your touch tone phone. To block all calls from any IDOC institution, please send a written request to: Victim Services, IDOC 1299 N. Orchard St. Ste 110, Boise, ID 83706.
To prevent an IDOC offender from sending unwanted letters to you or a minor child in your household, send a written request to block mail or place a no contact order to: Victim Services, IDOC 1299 N. Orchard St. Ste 110, Boise, ID 83706.
VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) is a free service that provides automated phone or email updates on offender movement and status changes.
To register for free victim notification service go to www.vinelink.com . If you have VINE-related questions call (866) 984-6343.
For other assistance contact Victim Services at 658-2037 or victimservices@idoc.idaho.gov.
Mission Statement
The Canyon County Misdemeanor DUI Court will provide enhanced community protection by holding defendants accountable while providing judicial oversight, intensive supervision and treatment intervention.
About The Canyon County Misdemeanor DUI Court
The Canyon County Misdemeanor DUI Court is a program for offenders who are alcohol dependent and who have not addressed their problem or been successful in their recovery. The multi-phase program consists of intensive supervision of clients by a probation officer, frequent appearances before the Judge, mandatory drug and alcohol counseling, regular attendance at 12-step self-help groups, random alcohol/drug testing, treatment programs and classes. When the competencies are achieved for a particular phase, the defendant becomes eligible for phase advancement. The program length, which is determined by the participant’s progress, will not be less than 12 months and can be as long as 24 months. Upon graduation, participation in the alumni or mentoring group is recommended and encouraged. At completion, an ignition interlock system shall remain on your vehicle and you will be placed on supervised or unsupervised probation for a period of time to be determined by the Judge.
Eligibility Criteria
DUI Court will be offered to Canyon County residents who are charged with either a second offense DUI (within 10 years) or an “Excessive BAC” DUI who, after obtaining a substance abuse assessment and criminogenic risk assessment, are determined by the DUI Court Core Team to be in need of and have the capacity to manage the structure of the DUI Court.
Selected first offenders with special circumstances (such as prior DUI’s outside of ten years, prior alcohol related offenses or other circumstances indicating the presence of a severe alcohol problem) may be considered on a case by case basis, depending on available openings in the program. No person has a right to be admitted into DUI Court and no person shall be eligible to participate in DUI Court if any provision of Idaho Code 19-5604(1) and (2) is applicable, based upon their criminal history.
How to access the DUI Court
You can be referred by your attorney, the prosecuting attorney, the Judge, your probation officer or treatment provider, but you must submit a Misdemeanor DUI Court application. Following legal, clinical, and probation screening, your application for acceptance into the DUI Court will be submitted to a court staffing for acceptance or denial. If accepted, your attorney may continue to represent you during your participation in DUI Court.
For more information, please contact our DUI Court Coordinator at (208) 455-5934
Jeff Breach (Director) |
455-5997 | Jeff.Breach@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Mary Gomez (Assistant Director) |
455-5990 | Mary.Gomez@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Esmi Romo (Office Manager) |
455-6005 | Esmi.Romo@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Norma Trujillo (Senior Probation Officer) |
455-6004 | Norma.Trujillo@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Julie Cornell (Probation Officer) |
455-5992 | Julie.Cornell@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Alma Padilla (Probation Officer) |
455-5991 | Alma.Padilla@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Brandon Black (Senior Probation Officer) |
454-7596 | Brandon.Black@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Gavin Tweedie (Probation Officer) |
454-6601 | Gavin.Tweedie@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Mandi Bravo (Probation Officer) |
455-5988 | Mandi.Bravo@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Justin Donovan (Probation Officer) |
455-5989 | Justin.Donovan@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Kelli Rogers (Probation Officer) |
455-5998 | Kelli.Rogers@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Gisela Moreno (A-I Community Service) |
454-7334 | probationreport@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Estefany Alvarez (J-Z Community Service) |
455-6002 | probationreport@canyoncounty.id.gov |
Probation Defined
Probation is a privilege, granted by court-order, that allows a convicted criminal offender to remain in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. Probation is not punishment and is not always an appropriate option. Those who are placed on Canyon County’s Supervised Probation are required to regularly meet with their probation officer, and usually must submit to searches, drug testing, and counseling. They are expected to be honest, work, not use or abuse drugs or alcohol, and reimburse their victims, if appropriate.
Major goals are that the probationers not re-offend, that victim safety is increased, and that the probationer leaves supervision as a more functional and contributing member of the community. Those who choose to violate probation risk full imposition of their sentence, which usually means costly fines and lengthy jail time. Probationers on supervised probation must also pay a monthly cost of supervision fee to the office, since they were the ones responsible for their crimes and the resultant supervision. This supervision fee greatly reduces the taxpayer burden for providing the supervision services.
Types of offenses typical of those placed on supervised misdemeanor probation include:
Driving Under the Influence
Domestic Violence (Assault, Battery, Violation of Protection Order)
Misdemeanor Drug Offenses (possession of paraphernalia, etc.)
Driving While Suspended
Misdemeanor charges of Theft
Felonies amended to Misdemeanors
Probation Officers work hand in hand with community groups, social service agencies, and treatment providers, to make available to offenders and victims the support and services they need. Probation Officers also maintain strong partnerships with law enforcement and other justice agencies so that all can benefit from shared expertise and information. In addition to standard probation services, the Canyon County Adult Misdemeanor Probation Office is also involved with: DUI Court; Veterans Court; Domestic Violence Court; Mental Health Court.
Alcoholics Anonymous Local Links
- About AA
- Meeting Directory
(Search by City)
Narcotics Anonymous
SMART Recovery Meetings
“SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program® helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcoholism, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities.” quoted from Smart Recovery®
Treasure Valley Veterans Resource Services
The goal of the Canyon County Veterans Treatment Court is for you to become well and restore your honor after violating the law. By accessing services you earned through your service to our country, cooperating with the court and committing yourself to a healthy positive life, you will gain self-respect and renewed respect from your community.
Summary of Admissions Criteria for Veterans Treatment Court
- The defendant must be 18 years of age and be a Veteran who served on active duty in the armed forces during a war or campaign
- The defendant must live in Canyon County
- Must have a pending non-violent felony/misdemeanor crime
- Have a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder/Traumatic Brain Injury as a result of serving in the armed forces during a war or campaign
- Have an existing substance abuse disorder
For more information, please contact our Veterans Court Coordinator at 455-6006
About the Canyon County Veterans Treatment Court Program
The Canyon County Veterans Treatment Court is a voluntary post-conviction program for veterans who have a pending criminal charge in Canyon County, whereby that criminal behavior may/may not be related to a substance abuse and/or a mental health disorder. The judge, with the agreement of your attorney and the prosecuting attorney has the option to sentence you to the Veterans Treatment Court as a condition of your probation. Keep in mind that at any time during your participation, you could be terminated from the program for not complying with the rules or treatment plan. Should this happen, a probation violation will be filed and your original suspended sentence could be re-imposed by the sentencing judge.
The program is a five (5) phase program consisting of intensive supervision, treatment and monitoring by an interdisciplinary team. You will be required to make frequent appearances before the Veterans Treatment Court judge, follow an intensive, individualized treatment plan and meet with your probation officer regularly. You will be tested regularly and randomly for drugs and alcohol as required by your plan.
There will be a volunteer veteran mentor assigned to each participant once they have been accepted into the Veterans Treatment Court Program. The mentor is a veteran who understands where you’ve been and stands ready to help you problem solve, access services or just talk. With few exceptions, conversations with your mentor are confidential.
The program is a minimum of fifteen (15) months and includes an aftercare treatment plan. You will advance from one phase to the next based on your progress and your ability to comply with your treatment and probation regimen. Keep in mind that some participants advance faster than others.
By successfully completing the Veterans Treatment Court program your charge may be reduced and/or dismissed. This decision will be made by the Veterans Treatment Court Judge.
Community Service Defined
Community service is granted by court-order that allows an alternative sentencing option to the Court, and/or provides alternative sanctions for violations of probation as well as for Specialty Court violations of the program.
Offenders ordered by the Court to complete community service hours shall report to Canyon County Misdemeanor Probation with 5 days to make arrangements in paying the community service fees.
The offender is not to start ANY community service hours until he/she has reported to the community service officer and the fee paid. The fee of sixty (60) cents per every hour of community service ordered shall be paid to cover workman’s compensation insurance coverage. Exact change is required for the fee we accept Visa, MasterCard, cash, check or money order.
The community service officer once reviewing the timesheet shall submit a notice of compliance to the Courts. If at any time any fraudulent resource or timesheet that is provided to our department it is an immediate termination of the community service program, and an affidavit of the violation of the court-order shall be submitted by the community service officer.
For More Information, please contact : 208-454-7260 | probationreport@canyoncounty.id.gov
222 North 12th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
Phone / Fax
P 208-454-7260
F 208-454-7258
Community Service 208-455-6002
Weekdays 8am – 5pm
*Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm
(excluding holidays)