Bryan Taylor, Canyon County Prosecutor, announced that Saturnino Garcia IV, age 37, of Nampa, was sentenced on April 15, 2022, by the Honorable Brent L. Whiting for one felony count of Aggravated Battery and misdemeanor accounts of Resisting and Obstructing and Disorderly Conduct. Garcia was also sentenced for two felony probation violations for Riot and Witness Intimidation.
Judge Whiting sentenced Garcia to 15 years fixed on the Aggravated Battery charge, and six months for each misdemeanor charge. On the two felony probation charges, Garcia was sentenced to 1 ½ years fixed, followed by 3 ½ years indeterminate. The aggravated battery and misdemeanor sentences will run consecutive to the probation violation charges, for a total unified sentence of 21 years in prison. Garcia was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine along with court costs and reimbursement to the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office for extradition costs.
Garcia, a documented Sureno gang member, was arrested on a felony warrant in May 2021 after an investigation by the Nampa Police Department revealed he had stabbed another man multiple times during an altercation in February 2021. According to police reports, the victim was sitting in the passenger seat of his vehicle when Garcia, who was sitting in the back seat, began yelling at him. A physical altercation ensued, and Garcia stabbed the victim several times before fleeing the scene on foot. The victim told investigators that as Garcia was fleeing, he told him that “he would finish the hit or have him join his gang.” Garcia fled to Arizona shortly after the stabbing before being arrested on a nationwide arrest warrant and extradited back to Canyon County.
“This type of gang violence has no place in Canyon County,” said Prosecutor Bryan Taylor. “The sentence handed down by the judge should send a message that gang violence of any type will not be tolerated, and those who take part in it will be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”