On Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024, the Canyon County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) approved $19,716 in grants for Historic Preservation Support that will ultimately assist with the adopted City of Nampa Historic Preservation Plan (2020) goal of determining if the Shalimar Terrace & Glen View Estates neighborhoods are eligible for National Register Listing.
Shalimar Terrace has distinct mid-century ranch homes while the Glen View Estates has unique log-cabin style homes.
“Canyon County is happy to support another qualified historic preservation project of the Canyon County Historical Society,” said Nicki Schwend, Director of Canyon County Parks, Cultural and Natural Resources. “It is exciting to see projects that are assisting with Nampa’s Historic Preservation Plan goals while also fulfilling goals in the Canyon County Historic Preservation Plan through historic surveys and potential National Register Listings.”
To download a copy of Nampa’s Historic Preservation Plan, follow this link: https://www.cityofnampa.us/1354/2020-Historic-Preservation-Plan
To download a copy of Canyon County’s Historic Preservation Plan, follow this link and select the HPP tab at the bottom: https://www.canyoncounty.id.gov/elected-officials/commissioners/parks-cultural-natural-resources/historic-preservation-commission/
Nonprofit and 501c3 entities can apply for these grant awards on an annual basis. Anyone interested in learning more about these grants and grant opportunities should contact Canyon County Parks, Cultural and Natural Resources at parks@canyoncounty.id.gov.