Historic Preservation Commission

“Preserving the Past for the Future”


There will be no Historic Preservation Commission meeting in December 2024. The next HPC meeting is January 21, 2025.


Background: The Canyon County Board of Commissioners (BOCC), by resolution, re-established the Canyon County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) in January, 2013. The HPC is an advisory board in matters pertaining to historic preservation in Canyon County. Authority is granted to the HPC pursuant to Article 3, Section 6 of Canyon County code.

Advisory Board Membership: A diverse and remarkable group appointed by the BOCC, the members usually include: attorneys, anthropologists, archaeologists, architects, historians and historic preservationists, all having one thing in common: an interest in preserving our cultural resources as educational opportunities for the future.

Certified Local Government (CLG): Canyon County is a CLG – a program which was provided through an amendment to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The CLG gives local governments a specific, formal role in historic preservation. There are a few benefits to participating in the CLG, not the least of which is: the ability to take advantage of the experience at our Idaho State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO); and to be eligible to apply for grants each year from SHPO – federal dollars that they receive from the National Park Service.

Canyon County Historic Preservation Plan (HPP): In 2018, the HPC completed an update of the original 1992 Canyon County Historic Preservation Plan. The plan provides components for two essential duties of the HPC:  it provides an outline for a viable preservation program that will be an integral part of Canyon County’s community planning; and it provides direction for the historic preservation effort within Canyon County.
NOTE: The cities of Caldwell and Nampa both have their own Historic Preservation Commissions, so the Canyon County plan intentionally emphasizes the areas outside these two cities.  See the “Historic Preservation Plan (HPP)” tab above for more details.

Canyon County Historic Preservation Grant Award Program: A unique responsibility/duty of the Canyon County HPC, under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners, is the recommendation and administration of the Canyon County Historic Preservation Grant Award Program. This program funds qualified, non-profit organizations in Canyon County who have a mission of conservation, protection and maintenance of historic objects, information or properties. Canyon County is the ONLY county in the state of Idaho that sets aside a sliver of property tax revenue (not more than twelve one-thousandths percent (.012%)) dedicated to a grant award program for historic preservation projects every year. Details of this program are described in the “Grants” tab (above).

Recipients of FY2025 Grants have been selected and will be notified via mail.  


Idaho Code § 31-864 grants the boards of county commissioners in their respective counties authority to levy not more than twelve one-thousandths percent (.012%) on each dollar of market value for assessment purposes of taxable property within the County for the support of county historic societies and historic preservation projects. In general, the Historic Preservation tax levy funds can go to: (1) Support of historical societies which operate primarily within the county; or (2) Support of museums operated within the county; or (3) Support of historical restoration projects undertaken within the county; or (4) Marking and development of historic sites within the county.

Grant Application Review: Applications are reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission each spring to ensure that each meets the qualifications for the historic preservation levy. Applicants are required to provide proof of 501(c)(3) or nonprofit status. Each project is strongly encouraged to provide financial estimates/bids, letters of commitment for maintenance and long-term sustainability of the project, letters of commitment for grant matches, letters of support, drawings/plans, and photos. The review process provides the HPC a chance to ask questions about the proposal, allow for clarifications, or request additional information before the final recommendations are made to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners has final say on all grant support award applications. Once applications are approved for support awards by the BOCC, the historic preservation tax levy is set along with the entire County Budget at that exact allocation for the following fiscal year.

FY25 Historic Preservation Grant Awards

FY26 Grant Application Timeline



Historic Preservation Grant Project Update-Completion Report
Previously Funded Examples

For a list of Idaho Historic Preservation Professional Consultants, click here: https://history.idaho.gov/section-106/hiring-a-consultant/


FY25 Grant Application Form

Hello Historic Preservationists!

The next HPC meeting is January 21, 2025.
Historic Preservation Commission Meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Lake Lowell Parks Office (12996 Iowa Ave, Nampa, ID 83686) unless otherwise posted.

Latest Agenda: November 2024 HPC Agenda #128

Past Meeting Minutes:
2024-10-08 HPC Meeting #127 Minutes
2024-09-10 HPC Meeting #126 Minutes
2024-08-13 HPC Meeting #125 Minutes
2024-07-09 HPC Meeting #124 Minutes
2024-06-11 HPC Meeting #123 Minutes
2024-05-14 HPC Meeting #122 Minutes 
2024-04-23 HPC Meeting #121 Minutes 
2024-03-12 HPC Meeting #120 Minutes
2024-02-13 HPC Meeting #119 Minutes
2024-01-09 HPC Meeting #118 Minutes

For older meeting minutes, contact Canyon County Parks, Cultural & Natural Resources Staff To be added to the email list to receive agendas and meeting location details, or obtain minutes, please send your email request to parks@canyoncounty.id.gov.

Canyon County’s history dates back to pre-contact and extends into the twenty-first century, during which time it has experienced meteoric growth. With continued pressure for growth and infill development, it is important that the County ensure it effectively manages and balances the maintenance of its cultural resources in concert with new development. The Historic Preservation Plan (HPP) outlines the essential components for a viable preservation program as an integral part of Canyon County’s community planning. The HPP is a guiding document identifying community priorities for the preservation of cultural resources and sets forth related goals, politics, and action steps toward their implementation.

You can read the Plan by clicking below:
Canyon County Historic Preservation Plan

George DeFord, Jr.
Owner and Attorney at DeFord Law

Nikki Gorrell
College of Western Idaho, Associate Professor of Anthropology

Bruce Poe
Modus Architecture Collaborative, Principal Architect

Vicki Stark

Dr. Justin Vance
College of Western Idaho, Dean, School of Arts and Humanities

Zach Wesley
Civil, Prosecuting Attorney

Chelsee Boehm
Canyon County Parks, Cultural & Natural Resources; Public Historian

If you have questions, or you’d like to receive communications about the HPC (such as monthly meeting reminders and other information) e-mail Nichole.Schwend@canyoncounty.id.gov and/or Chelsee.Boehm@canyoncounty.id.gov

Canyon County History Entities
Check out some of the museums, parks, and other organizations sharing and caring for history in Canyon County!

*Please note: Information obtained from our partner’s websites. Hours of operation and cost of admission are subject to change. Check websites or contact organizations directly to confirm*


Canyon County Historical Society
(operates two museums)

Nampa Train Depot and Interpretive Center
1200 Front St., Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 467-7611
info@canyoncountyhistory.orgHours of Operation –
Friday: 11am-4pm
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Free Admission, Donation Encouraged
Our Memories Indian Creek Museum
1122 Main St., Caldwell, ID 83605
(208) 459-1413
ourmemoriesmuseum@gmail.comHours of Operation –
Tuesday and Friday: 11am-4pm
Saturday: 11am-3pm
Admission Fee Required
 Canyon County Historical Society | Facebook

Greenleaf Historical Society

(202) 555-1212

No Posted Hours of Operation –
Contact for more information
Greenleaf Historical Society | Facebook

Historical Society of Middleton

314 Cornell St., Middleton, ID, 83644
(208) 284-8675

Hours of Operation –
Saturday: 10am-3pm
Historical Society of Middleton, Idaho | Facebook

Melba Valley Historical Society – Melba Valley Museum

310 Carrie Rex Ave, Melba, ID 83641

Hours of Operation –
Saturday (May to October): 11am-3pm, or by appointment
Melba Valley Historical Society | Facebook

Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History

2112 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, ID 83605
(208) 459-5507

Hours of Operation –
Monday-Friday: 10am-3pm
C of I’s Museum of Natural History works to catalog their collection (kivitv.com)

Van Slyke Agricultural Museum

621 Harrison St., Caldwell, ID 83605

Undergoing renovation  

Warhawk Air Museum

201 Municipal Drive, Nampa, ID 83687
(208) 465-6446

Hours of Operation –
Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 11am-4pm
Admission Fee Required
Warhawk Air Museum | Facebook


Cleo’s Ferry Museum

2102 Highway 45 S., Melba, ID 836410
(208) 495-2688

  Cleo’s Ferry Museum | Facebook

Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge

Visitor Center 13751 Upper Embankment Rd.,
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 467-9278deerflat@fws.gov

Hours of Operation –
Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm
Saturday: 10-4pm
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge | Facebook

Old Fort Boise

20847 Old Fort Boise Rd., Parma, ID 83660

    Old Fort Boise Days


American Legion Post 18

1504 2nd St. S., Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 546-9580

  American Legion Nampa Post 18 | Facebook

Caldwell Model Railroad Club & Historical Society

809 Dearborn St., Caldwell, ID 83605

  Caldwell Model Railroad Club & Historical Society | Facebook

Nampa Valley Grange 131

203 5th Ave S., Nampa, ID 83651

  Nampa Valley Grange 131 | Facebook


Caldwell Historic Preservation Commission Mission: “Identify, promote, and preserve our historic structures of architectural significance and historic legacy for the benefit of citizens of Caldwell and visitors through education, training, cultural activities and events.” Meets the third Monday of every month at 6:00pm.
Supplemental meetings held on the first Monday of the month as needed.
Held at Caldwell Planning & Zoning Department, Second Floor, 205 S. 6th Ave, Caldwell, ID 83605
Nampa Arts & Historic Preservation Commission (AHPC) “The Nampa Arts & Historic Preservation Commission (AHPC) consists of seven commissioners who demonstrate a commitment to preserve and advance the city’s unique history and cultural character and to advance the arts in the community” Regular meetings are held the second Monday of the month at 4:00pm at Nampa City Hall in Council Chambers, 411 3rd Street South, Nampa, ID 83651
Interactive County Map

Click here to see a map of some of the museums, parks, and other sites sharing and caring for history in Canyon County! Please note: Information obtained from our partner’s websites. Hours of operation and cost of admission are subject to change. Check websites or contact organizations directly to confirm.


1115 Albany St.
Caldwell, ID 83605

