Information Technology


Mission Statement

Canyon County’s Information Technology department is dedicated to providing efficient and effective services to county taxpayers.
We are committed to delivering the greatest value possible to the residents and governmental services in Canyon County.

Interim Chief Information Officer - Greg Rast

CIO Picture: Greg Rast

Greg Rast was appointed Chief Operating Officer in 2022 and is acting as the Interim Chief Information Officer at this time.

Prior to Canyon County, Greg was the Director of Information Technology within the Idaho Attorney General’s Office for 14 years headquartered in Boise, ID. During that time, he participated in national multi-state audit and review boards relating to IT organizational practices, policy, strategy, and structure. Also, during that time bringing online the Idaho Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit within the Attorney General’s Office. Other previous experiences in the technical field include the Oregon Department of Corrections, Micron Technology, as well as a Business Owner providing Technology Consultation.

He brings to Canyon County more than 26 years of experience in information technology, network design, management, leadership, virtualization, development, strategic direction, cyber security, budget, contract negotiations, project management, policy, system implementation and procurement practices. Of the 26 years of IT experience, he has serviced the public sector since 1999.

Greg holds an Electronic Engineering Degree as well as versed Business Practices, Consultation, and Technical Certifications.

“Most importantly I’m proud of the accomplishment of being a father and step-father to 6 children with a wonderful wife that helps and supports me in my personal goals and career path.”

Assistant Information Technology Director - Vacant






Canyon County’s Information Technology (CCIT) department is dedicated to providing efficient and effective services to county taxpayers.  We are committed to delivering the greatest value possible to the residents and governmental services in Canyon County.

The CCIT fundamentals are based and graded on a customer service model, being a business partner in providing solutions using technology.  CCIT is comprised of a highly recognized in-house skillset of Development, Operations, Business, Project Management, and Support Services we take pride in.

Budget and spending accountability is based upon the foundation of the current CCIT Management strategies and direction.  “IT services should be provided in the most efficient and cost-effective way, both in the provision of equipment and in the efficient use of staff resources”, Director Rast explains.  Cooperative approach bringing together county contracts, procurement processes, agreements, vendor negotiations, services, and consolidation of systems.  Resulting in reducing the overall spending of county technology related hardware and software.  “Return on Investment (ROI) is proven through due diligence to put forward smart technology that works with the business and not against it.” 

We show our value of using technology to its fullest to help those in Canyon County to do their jobs and duties efficiently and consistently providing justifiable solutions.  Provide a technology plan going forward that protects the counties data, infrastructure, security, and keeping up with the latest technology trends and practices that are acceptable industry wide.  Using enterprise solutions that will expand to accommodate a robust business practices currently reflected in Canyon County.

“I have a firm belief in keeping Information Technology staff trained and professional development kept up to date. Supporting individual direction and growth in their personal interests.” says Director Rast.

The demand for IT and computing support in the department is likely to grow. Given the current volatile nature of the IT job, hardware and software markets, the department must plan its IT strategy such that it minimizes its reliance upon any one individual, or any one piece of software or hardware.

And in our vision we must remain flexible in our IT strategy and be open to suggestions for new services as they arise throughout the county servicing our customers as well as held accountable by Canyon County taxpayers.

Greg Rast
Chief Information Officer
Canyon County

PMO LogoMission | The Project Management Office (PMO) is a strategic division within the Canyon County Information Technology (IT) department which promotes Project Management best practices and services for all projects within I.T. The purpose of the PMO is to champion consistent project management methods that help Canyon County I.T. fulfill its mission and strategic goals of providing efficient and effective services to county taxpayers. We strive to deliver projects on time, within budget, and with the highest possible return on investment.

Vision | The PMO assists by empowering IT, Offices and Departments that Information Technology works with through the process of defining project deliverables, timelines, and budget through detailed project planning. The PMO also gathers metrics which enables IT to track project progress and accountability in a consistent manner while providing transparency to the County. Metrics are also used to prioritize, resource, fund, and select the projects that are aligned with the County’s needs and priorities. The PMO will continue to build project management best practices and maturity throughout Canyon County.

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The Business Organization provides administrative functions for the Department. Our functions include but not limited to procurement process, license tracking, Department policy, software purchasing tracking and renewals, county-wide switchboard, copier services, Print Shop services, as well as county-wide mail distribution.

Within the Business Organization we have a dedicated Receptionist who answers phones for the County, as well as shipment receiving for the IT Department.  A Senior Admin Support Specialist who is dedicated to mail distribution along with a secondary role in the Print Shop helping fulfill County orders. A Print Design Coordinator who has expanded the county’s printing options and eliminates the need to outsource. A Lead Admin Support Specialist who handles supply stock, account receivables, and day-to-day office functions including procurement.

Continually expanding the business side of Information Technology for spending accountability and services providing a cost savings to the County.


Canyon County IT Development has a great team of 10+ staff dedicated to serving the citizens of Canyon County to the utmost of their abilities.  Every day they work diligently using Web/Data Protection/GIS/Client Server development tools to create, enhance and maintain commercial grade applications that enable the employees of Canyon County to serve the Public. They use the latest industry proven tools to create these efficient, integrated applications for their customers and to provide the best information possible to everyone in the county.  The goal of the Development Team is to work together in the most efficient manner in order to truly serve, in the best way possible, their fellow employees and citizens.


There are three Operations teams at the County. The Desktop Team provides frontline helpdesk support for over 1500+ devices including: computers, printers, peripherals, mobile and computing devices used by County personnel.

The System Administration team administers 300+ Servers with services including virtual computing environments, storage area networks, internet security, email, websites, document management, databases, and critical Infrastructure components.

The Network / Telecom team is dedicated to the network infrastructure, wireless networks, network security, data security, NextGen firewalls, telephony systems, mobile device management, and other significant communication systems of the County.


The Canyon County IT PMO (Project Management Office) is currently a team of two with expanding needs; that takes great pride in helping others succeed at their projects. The PMO assists by empowering the business client through assisting with detailed project planning. It then follows up with advice and training in regards to project management methodologies (both traditional and agile). The PMO also gathers metrics which helps IT track their progress in a consistent manner. Metrics are also used to prioritize and choose the projects that deliver the most strategically sound value. The PMO is involved in many projects, however the secret of the Canyon County PMO success is to empower our client to successfully manage their own projects in a consistent manner that’s transparent and measurable.


Webmaster – Areas of Responsibility

  • Canyon County Public Website
  • Employee Portal
  • Print Shop Pro
  • Canyon County Fair
  • Third Judicial District
  • Canyon County Mosquito Abatement
  • Canyon County Elections
  • Custom Application Integration


1115 Albany St. Rm253
Caldwell, ID 83605

Phone / Fax

P 208-454-7300
F 208-453-4837



Weekdays 8am – 5pm
(excluding holidays)