Juvenile Probation
Mission Statement
To reduce the risk that juvenile offenders continue to violate the law by holding them accountable and providing opportunities for competency development while protecting the community.
Our Vision
LEADERSHIP to promote initiative, productivity, teamwork and professional growth.
INTEGRITY to value an environment of ethical, culturally competent and effective personnel.
RESPONSIBILITY to ourselves, our community and our future.
RESPECT to honor the worth, dignity of others and their capacity for change.
CREATIVITY to strive in developing skills for our client’s future success.
COLLABORATION to work with families, the Court, our community and other agency partners.
COACHING developing, inspiring and facilitating personal growth and achievement.
COMMITMENT to promote an atmosphere that strives for excellence in juvenile justice.
Internship Opportunities
The Juvenile Probation Department offers internship opportunities. The Chief Probation Officer determines the placement of an intern within any of the four units in the department. All interns must pass reference and background checks. For further information, students should contact:
Chief Juvenile Probation Officer: Elda Catalano
454-7428 ecatalano@canyoncounty.id.gov
All links below are external
Community Resources
- 2-1-1
- Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
- National Runaway Switchboard
- Idaho Youth Ranch
- Idaho Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
- Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance
- Nampa Boys and Girls Club
Helpful Links
- Southwest Idaho Juvenile Detention Center
- Idaho Juvenile Justice Council
- Idaho Juvenile Justice Association
- Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections
- Idaho POST Academy
- American Probation and Parole Association
- National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Payment Instructions
Supervision Fees, Restitution, Court Order Community Service fees, Juvenile Justice Assessment Fee are all paid at the Clerk’s office at the Juvenile Justice Center.
Diversion Fees, Community service fees when on Diversion and Urinalysis tests are all paid at the Juvenile Probation Office.
Clerk’s Office for Juvenile fees and Juvenile Probation are located at the Juvenile Justice Center, 222 N 12th Avenue, Caldwell, Idaho 83605
For further information, contact Juvenile Probation at 454-7330
Adrian Chavez | Adrian.ChavezVillagomez@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7247 |
Ashlyn Whalen |
208-454-7456 | |
Angie Martinez | Angie.Martinez@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7338 |
Rick Penor |
208-454-7429 | |
Celia Asumendi | Celia.Asumendi@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7407 |
Elda Catalano | Elda.Catalano@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7428 |
Mikaela Rios |
208-454-7426 | |
Hannah Heaton | Hannah.Heaton@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7332 |
Jessica Ishida | Jessica.Ishida-Sanchez@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7424 |
Jose Orozco | Jose.Orozco@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7412 |
Ryan Gehring |
208-454-7326 | |
Linda Hall | Linda.Hall@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-6650 |
MaClain Stultz |
208-454-6652 | |
Shanell Stiles |
208-454-6646 | |
Jared Sermon |
208-454-7333 | |
Roxanne Johns | Roxanne.Johns@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-6647 |
Sophie Confalone | Sophie.Confalone@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7425 |
Stacey Jackson | Stacey.Jackson@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-7427 |
Sydney Brown | Sydney.Brown@canyoncounty.id.gov | 208-454-6626 |
Kalyssa Kempthorn |
208-454-7325 | |
Roxana Lizarraga | 208-454-6649 | |
Colin Welch |
208-454-6648 |
Community Service Work Program
To provide the Court with an alternative sanction to hold juveniles on probation accountable for law violations and minor probation violations; while providing juveniles the opportunity to invest in their community.
Some types of service include; painting, picking up trash, removal of graffiti, trail and habitat improvement, recreational improvements and assisting those that can not help themselves.
Juveniles will work with their assigned Probation Officer and the Community Service Work Officer to determine the appropriate placement(s). All service work must be approved by the community service officer before any service work is started.
Juveniles that participate in and successfully complete this program are provided the opportunity to take accountability and responsibility for their actions while giving back to the community through service. They can build community relationships with positive examples and develop opportunities for future employment. The juveniles have the opportunity to learn to be on time, respect authority and peers, take ownership in their community, and have a sense of accomplishment of a job well done.
Community Service Program
El Programa de Servicio Comunitario
The Canyon Bike Project
A cooperative effort, brought to life by Canyon County Juvenile Probation and the “do-good” people of LoveCaldwell. The purpose of this program is to receive new, used, and salvageable bikes, teach kids in the Juvenile justice System to restore, repair, and maintain them properly, then give them as gifts to kids in need of a bike in the Canyon County area. For further information about this program, contact Ross Garven at 454-7330. To make donations to this program contact LoveCaldwell at lovecaldwellidaho@gmail.com
How Can a Minor Emancipate In Idaho?
Idaho does not have an emancipation statute. The only way a minor can emancipate in the state of Idaho is through marriage.
How Can I Expunge My Record?
If a juvenile has been placed on probation, the juvenile can request their record be expunged under the following conditions: (1) It has been five years since the case was terminated from juvenile court; (2) it has been five years since the juvenile was released from the juvenile corrections center; or (3) the juvenile has turned 18 years of age, whichever comes last. Expungement requires a hearing to be set in front of the Court.
How Often Will I Meet With My Probation Officer And Where?
The frequency of times the juvenile and parents/guardians will meet with their probation officer will depend on the juveniles risk to the community and compliance with probation. Contacts could be bi-monthly or up to five times per week as needed. These visits will occur most often within your home. Other visits may be held at school, juvenile probation, treatment provider’s offices or other places the juvenile may spend time.
My Child Violated The Law. What Will Happen Now?
It is up to law enforcement to investigate the allegation. If they determine a charge should be filed, they will turn over the police report to the Prosecutor’s Office. The Prosecutor’s Office will determine whether to file charges or not.
What Happens If My Child Is Committed To The Idaho Department Of Juvenile Corrections?
If your child is committed to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, he/she will be transported to IDJC’s Observation and Assessment Center in Nampa. Your child will be evaluated to determine the most appropriate placement. Parents/guardians are required to participate throughout the child’s placement by participating in monthly staffing meetings along with County Juvenile Probation. In addition, parents/guardians will participate with the treatment team to prepare aftercare plans for when the juvenile is released back into the community.
What Happens When Formal Charges Are Filed?
If formal charges are filed, the juvenile and parents/guardians will be summoned to appear in court for an arraignment. The summons will provide you with a date and time of the hearing.
What If I Cannot Afford An Attorney?
If you cannot afford your own attorney, the Court may appoint the Public Defender to represent your child. The Court will ask some financial questions to determine if the appointment is appropriate. You may be ordered to repay the County for the service.
What If The Police Take My Child To Detention?
If your child is taken to detention, he/she will have a detention arraignment hearing the following work day. The intake officer will make contact with the parents/guardians and provide you with a specific time with the detention hearing.
What is a 18-211 Order?
The Court may order an 18-211 if it is suspected the juvenile may not be competent to understand the court proceedings either by mental illness or intellectual deficits. The Court will request a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist examine the juvenile to determine if the juvenile is competent. The Court may order the juvenile to be confined during this process, if necessary.
What is a 20-511a Order?
When a 20-511A is ordered by the Court, the Department of Health and Welfare completes a mental health assessment. A screening team is convened to prepare a case plan to present to the Court. The screening team consists of members from County Probation, Children’s Mental Health, Child Protection, Department of Juvenile Corrections, school officials, treatment providers, parents and anyone as designated by the Court. Each case is staffed monthly for the first 90 days and then every 90 days thereafter or as needed.
What Is A Diversion?
A diversion is when a charge is diverted from court. Diversions are handled by the Police Department or the Probation Department. This is an opportunity for your child to be held accountable for his/her offense without formal charges.
What Is A Fourth Amendment Waiver?
A Fourth Amendment Waiver is when the Court waives the juvenile’s right to be searched (person, residence, vehicle or property) at the request of a probation officer and/or law enforcement officer.
What Is A Rule 19 Screening?
The Juvenile Judge may order a case screened pursuant to the Idaho Juvenile Rule (IJR) 19. The participants of the Screening Team may include the Juvenile Prosecutor, Defense Attorney, Representatives from the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, Representatives from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (Child Protection/Children’s Mental Health), School Officials, Probation Officer, Parents/Guardians, and other professionals as deemed appropriate or required by the Judge. The purpose of the “Rule 19 Screening Team” is to evaluate the juveniles risks/needs, evaluate whether community based programs or alternatives can adequately address the risk and needs, and evaluate the barriers. The Screening Team will develop a comprehensive plan that addresses the risks to the community and the needs of the juvenile if the juvenile remains in the community or recommend the juvenile be committed to the Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections. The Juvenile Judge will make the ultimate decision in the case.
What Is A Status Offense?
A status offense is an offense that would not be illegal if committed by an adult; such as truancy, runaway or curfew.
What Is An Informal Adjustment?
An informal adjustment is when a juvenile is placed on informal probation with specific terms and conditions. If those terms and conditions are successfully completed, the case may be dismissed.
What Is Discretionary Detention Time?
In order to provide prompt and short term consequences for violations of probation the Court may order some discretionary detention days. These detention days are available for the probation officer to impose in lieu of requesting a formal probation violation.
What Is Probation?
Probation is when the juvenile is placed on formal probation with terms and conditions given by the Court. It is the probation officer’s role to ensure the terms and conditions are completed by assisting the juvenile in accessing services, by holding the juvenile accountable and by communicating to the Court whether the juvenile has completed the terms of his/her probation. A juvenile can be placed on probation for no longer than three years from the date of the sentencing and no longer than the juvenile’s 21st birthday for sexual offenses.
What Should I Expect At The Arraignment Hearing?
The judge will explain the charges against the juvenile and the possible consequences of the alleged charges. In addition, the judge will explain your options; admit to the charges, deny the charges and/or ask for an attorney. If you admit the charges, the case will likely be scheduled for a sentencing hearing and the Probation Department will be asked to write a social history report for the Court. If you deny the charges or ask for an attorney, the case will likely be scheduled for a Pre-trial Hearing and Evidentiary Hearing.
Who Pays For My Child’s Treatment?
Ultimately, it is the parent’s responsibility to pay for their child’s treatment. However, juvenile probation does provide some classes and programs free of cost with the expectation that the parent/guardian will provide transportation. In addition, families are referred to other agencies that can provide assistance such as Medicaid, Children’s Mental Health and other community agencies. Other treatment or services the child may need that are not covered through probation or other agencies, or if the parent wishes to choose their own provider; are at the expense of the parent/guardian.
Will My Case Be Kept Confidential?
Juvenile Court hearings and court records are open to the public for juveniles 14 years of age or older, unless the Court closes the case to the public under special circumstances. Prior to any Juvenile Probation records being released, a release of information shall be signed by the parent/guardian or by the juvenile, if over 18 years of age. Juvenile Probation records may be released for the purpose of treatment, supervision, transferring from one county to another, or if requested by the Court or attorneys.
222 North 12th Avenue
Caldwell, ID 83605
Phone / Fax
P 208-454-7330
F 208-454-7352
Weekdays 8am – 5pm
*Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm
(excluding holidays)