Trial Court Administration

Benita Miller

The Trial Court Administrator’s Office, located at the Canyon County Courthouse, room 336, consists of one trial court administrator (TCA), one assistant TCA, and one administrative assistant.  The TCA is jointly appointed by the Administrative Director of the Courts and the Administrative District Judge of the Third Judicial District.

The TCA’s office oversees all administrative responsibilities of the Third Judicial District, including Court Reporting, Family Court Services, Court Assistance Office, Interpreter Services, Jury Commission, Felony Drug Courts, Mental Health Court, Misdemeanor DUI Court, Veteran’s Treatment Court, Juvenile Drug Court and Attendance Court.  The TCA is also responsible for personnel administration, facilities management, and technology planning and implementation.  It is the TCA’s role to facilitate administrative functions within the district and to develop and carry out policies that accomplish the mission of the court system.  The TCA is the court’s main liaison with other city, state and federal agencies as well as with the media and the general public.



1115 Albany St
Caldwell, ID 83605
ROOM 201

Phone / Fax

P 208-454-7571
F 208-454-7525



Weekdays 8:30am – 5pm
(excluding holidays)