Current Road Names Table
Current Subdivision Names Table

Planning and Zoning Application Tracker

This interactive map displays current Planning and Zoning projects for unincorporated areas of Canyon County.





Zoning & Future Land Use GIS App

Zoning & Future Land Use Designations now available for Cities!Map
Click Here for City of Nampa

This interactive maps displays all zoning and future Land Use information for unincorporated areas of Canyon County.






Building Permit GIS AppMap

This interactive maps displays all building projects that require permits that are processed at Canyon County Development Services.


111 N. 11th Ave ROOM 310
Caldwell, ID 83605


M, T, TH, F: 8am-5pm
Wed: 1pm-5pm
(Excluding holidays)

Payments accepted during office hours


Contact Table
Planning, Engineering 208-402-4164
Building Department 208-402-4163
GIS & Addressing 208-402-4166
Code Enforcement 208-402-4165
Administration 208-402-4162
Inspection Line 208-454-7460