Child Abduction Response Team
PROSECUTING ATTORNEYThe Child Abduction Response Team (CART) is a team of law enforcement officers, deputies, detectives, chiefs of police, victim witness coordinators, dispatchers, and others trained specifically to investigate child abduction cases. CART includes the Caldwell Police Department, Nampa Police Department, Canyon County Sheriff’s Office, and other surrounding agencies. As soon as a parent or caregiver notifies officers of a missing child, that officer and the officer’s agency will determine whether or not to activate CART. Initially, CART members may only include those who work within your police jurisdiction. If the investigation would proceed better with assistance, the other participating outside agencies will join.
When CART is called out, each member of the team is assigned a specific task, with one person overseeing the investigation to ensure the most important information gets to where it needs to go. You will probably be in contact with your Victim Witness Coordinator whose main job is to keep you informed of the investigation and help you communicate with law enforcement as necessary. He or she will also provide you with resources such as the packet below to refer you to helpful services in addition to this investigation.
While waiting to hear for updates from law enforcement, it is important to recognize that the officers, dispatchers, and other trained professionals are working diligently to get your child back to you safely. Many things are going on all at once which is why it is important for you to put your trust in them and let them do their jobs. Make sure you maintain a healthy relationship with them by reading through this packet to help you understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. Ask lots of questions. We do our job thoroughly and sometimes forget that this is a first and hopefully only experience for you. Your Victim Witness Coordinator is there to help answer any questions you may have.
For additional details about CART, including
- how to work effectively with law enforcement,
- how to balance personal and family considerations,
- discussions about media involvement, and
other useful information, click here .

Canyon County Victim Witness Unit
Office: 454-7391 // Fax: 454-7474
– Denise Himes (Unit Supervisor)
– Christina Garcia (Spanish speaking)
– Teresa Sanchez(Spanish speaking)
– Jackie Smith
– Loretta Stadler
– Joana Torres-Fonseca (Spanish speaking)
Quick Links (links below are external )
1115 Albany St
Caldwell, ID 83605
Phone / Fax
P 208-454-7391
F 208-454-7474
Weekdays 8am - 5pm
(excluding holidays)