Assessment Data
ASSESSORLooking for more information about your property’s assessed value?
Welcome to our Data Hub! This resource provides additional details to supplement the information you received. While the appraiser assigned to your area remains the best source for personalized questions, this hub can be a helpful starting point. We encourage you to reach out to our office early in the process for the smoothest experience.
5 Year Value & Tax Report
Reminder to Review Exemption
If you believe your property is eligible for an exemption, please pay close attention to the area of your assessment notice that resembles the following.
Homeowners Exemptions will be listed in the “Less Homeowner Exemption” line, all other exemptions will be in the “Less Market Adjustments” Line. If your parcel receives multiple exemptions they will be totaled and displayed in the “Less Market Adjustments” row.
If you own, occupy your home and apply for the Homeowner’s Exemption by the second Monday in July (July 8th, 2024), your property will be eligible to receive the Homeowner’s Tax Relief. If you filed your exemption and we have missed applying your Homeowner’s Exemption it is imperative you contact our office immediately.
If you need to apply for the Homeowner’s Exemption CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Taxing District Budget Information
Average Value Table & Graphs
Additional Tables & Graphs
How to Appeal

Main Assessor Location
111 N. 11th Ave Caldwell
Main Assessor - Suite 250
Plat Room - Suite 230
Rural Dept - Suite 220
Vehicle Registration Location
6107 Graye Lane, Caldwell
Vehicle Registration Online
Auto License Contact
P 208-455-6020
F 208-454-6019
Main Phone / Fax
P 208-454-7431
F 208-454-7349
Office Hours
Weekdays 8am - 5pm
(excluding holidays)
DMV 8am - 4pm
(excluding holidays)