Records Request


Sheriff's Office Public Records Request

Public Records Request Form

"*" indicates required fields


RESPONSE TIME: A written response to your public records request will be provided within three (3) business days of the day your request was received. If it is determined that a longer period of time is needed to locate, retrieve, or prepare the public records, our office will make its best effort to provide the requested records in ten (10) business days from the day your request was received. Business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am - 5pm. All requests received after normal business hours (excluding holidays) shall be deemed received the next business day.


The Idaho Repository ( may also be used as a resource to gain information in regards to any court cases in the State of Idaho. You will need the person's name or case number in order to search.


MM slash DD slash YYYY
Note: Identification is not required. However, if you are requesting records about yourself and/or your minor child, ward, or other person for whom you serve as legal representative, you may be entitled to certain private information about yourself or that other person that would otherwise be redacted from the public review unless we are able to verify your identity.
Preferred method of delivery (please check one):*

Note: We cannot always guarantee a certain method of delivery, depending on quantity and type of records requested. Some fees may also apply to recover actual labor and copying costs. Email is generally the quickest and most cost-effective method.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 2 GB.


    Write "unknown" if you don't know the police/accident report number.
    Write "unknown" if you don't know the court case number.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Use approximate date if exact date is not known.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Records requested:*

    Note: Please be specific about the records you are requesting. Requests for large amounts of information may require payment of a fee pursuant to Idaho Code § 74-102 before you receive the records.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


    1115 Albany St Rm.137
    Caldwell, ID 83605


    Records Unit
    P 208-454-7488
    F 208-454-7476



    Weekdays 8am – 5pm
    (excluding holidays)


    Non-Emergency Dispatch




    ATTORNEYS: If you have a client in custody within our facility and would like your calls to or from your client to be without charge and protected from recording and or monitoring please contact classifications at 208-455-5977.