Sex Offender


Effective November 1st, 2024 all Annual Sex Offender Registrations are now required to schedule an appointment.  Walk-ins for Annual Registrations will be turned away.  Schedule an appointment online early to find one that best fits your needs. If you are unable to schedule online, call us at (208)454-7486 and we will assist you.  If there are absolutely no appointments available, call us ASAP to make arrangements.  Required updates and mandatory check-ins can be done without an appointment.

Registration Information

Changes to Title 18, Chapter 83, Idaho Code, “Sexual Offender Registration Notification and Community Right-to-Know Act”, require all persons with a duty to register as sexual offenders and to re-register on an annual basis. This law went into effect 1 July 1998. Registration includes completion of detailed forms, fingerprints and photographs. There is a $80.00 fee due, in cash, at the time of registration.

Along with this duty to register, the new law allows the release of sexual offender information to the public. The office of Law Enforcement, Bureau of Criminal Identification, maintains a website which shows all registered sex offenders in Idaho. If you have questions about the registry and the information provided, you may call their office at (208) 884-7305 or visit their website external. Canyon County also reports our Registered Sex Offenders through Offender Watch. Click here to view their website external.

Important Notice
This information is made available for the purpose of protecting the public. It is not to be used for the purpose of harassing or intimidating anyone. A person who uses registry information to commit a criminal act against another person is subject to arrest and prosecution under Section 18-8326, Idaho Code.

In addition, please consider the following limitations when using information from the Idaho Sex Offender Registry:

The registry does not contain information on all sex offenders. The information is limited by the effective date of the registry (July 1, 1993) and to those offenders who have been convicted of a crime specified in the registry law. The registry does not contain information on those individuals whose illegal sexual behaviors have not come to the attention of the authorities.

The Office of Law Enforcement attempts to assure that the registry is accurate and current. Although the registry database is updated on a regular basis, the information can change quickly. You are cautioned, therefore, that the information provided is date sensitive and only reflects that which has been received and subsequently automated by the Office.

Secondary dissemination of registry information requires the inclusion of above warning and cautionary statements.


6107 Graye Lane
Caldwell, Idaho  83607
*Located Next to the Animal Shelter


P 208-454-7486


Sex Offender Office Hours

Weekdays 8am – 4pm
(excluding holidays)


Hours for:
Concealed Weapon Permits
Sex Offender Registry

Weekdays 8am – 4pm
(excluding holidays)


Written Testing Hours

Weekdays 8am – 3:30pm
(excluding holidays)
*Your number must be called by 3:30pm to test on that day