Required County Services


The Idaho Constitution establishes the fundamental legal framework for county government in Idaho. It prescribes the elected county officials and their terms of office; places limitations on county indebtedness; contains detailed provisions on county boundaries; and provides for optional forms of county government.

Idaho law provides a detailed, legal framework for county government, describes the powers of county officials and enumerates the functions that counties may perform. Idaho does not have a county home-rule provision in its Constitution, thus county officials have less flexibility in establishing new programs and procedures than do county officials in county home-rule states.

Idaho counties, like counties in other states, have a dual function. They serve as an arm of the state government in administering elections, enforcing state laws and performing many other state-mandated functions. They also serve as a unit of local government which has responsibilities in meeting the needs of its own citizens in health, welfare, agricultural services, public works, planning, parks and recreation.

Cities, on the other hand, are voluntary organizations and are created in order to enhance services to citizens and provide better and highly livable communities. Regardless of the existence of cities, counties are still obligated to provide a number of services.

The following is a non-exclusive list of many of those required services. Most are supported by either property taxes, fees and state shared revenues or a combination of resources.


  1. Patrol (On & Off-road)
  2. Maintain & Operate Jail
  3. Service of Civil Process
  4. Drug Enforcement Programs
  5. Issue Drivers Licenses
  6. Mandatory Training of All Law Enforcement Officers
  7. Maintain & Operate Juvenile Detention Facility
  8. Provide for Probation Services (Adults/Juveniles)
  9. Provide Programs for Juveniles
  10. Mandatory Training of Probation & Juvenile Detention Officers
  11. Prosecute & Defend Criminals
  12. Mandatory Sentences
  13. Maintain & Operate Court Room/Law Library/Law Clerks
  14. Disaster Preparedness


  1. Medical and Non-Medical Indigent Care
  2. Public Health Districts
  3. County Hospital Operation
  4. Ambulance


  1. Value all Property
  2. Collect taxes/fees/special assessments for other entities
  3. Solid Waste Collection/Disposal
  4. Water Systems
  5. Planning/Zoning
  6. County Road and Bridge Operations
  7. Noxious Weeds
  8. Conducting Elections
  9. Recording of all legal documents
  10. Process passports
  11. Administers certain estates when others will not
  12. GIS & Mapping parcels
  13. Pay portion of Community College Tuition
  14. Various Federal Programs (Clean Air/Water, etc.)
  15. Vehicle registration & titling for State – can be contracted out

The following is a non-inclusive list of non-mandatory county functions of which some are and some are not shared with cities.

  1. Agriculture Extension
  2. Historical Society/Museum
  3. Parks & Recreation
  4. Fairs
  5. Senior Programs
  6. Veterans Services
  7. Airports
  8. Snowmobile and Waterways
  9. Economic Development
  10. Soil Conservation

Main Assessor Location

111 N. 11th Ave Caldwell

Main Assessor - Suite 250
Plat Room - Suite 230
Rural Dept - Suite 220


Vehicle Registration Location

Auto License Contact

P 208-455-6020
F 208-454-6019

Main Phone / Fax

P 208-454-7431
F 208-454-7349


Office Hours

Weekdays 8am - 5pm
(excluding holidays)

DMV 8am - 4pm
(excluding holidays)